Dirty Dowdy

Active 2009-current

It took awhile to get out of my parents basement.  Hard to do when they live on slab.  But I finally moved on out, to a house across the street.  And like any angry basement dweller, I found a way to voice my obscene views of the world through a state of the art workable system and badly created HTML.  I eat ants.  Sometimes I find myself wandering aimlessly through the streets waiting for death to find me, but then I realize that I am at a Costco and give up hope for resolution.  I eat and breathe radio.  That is not a good diet.  So I supplement it with beer and cigs.  Also not a good diet.  Occasionally I eat steak.  Medium Rare.  This is no other option.  Vegan-ism is not a real thing.  Is this keyboard still writing? Oh yeah listen to my show.  Every time you listen a terrorist gets his wings!  Or dies.  Not sure which one.  Play the odds.

Dowdy in his preferred environment.

Dowdy in his preferred environment.

Dirty Chris Dowdy

Dirty Chris Dowdy

Dirty Dowdy with his Festivus Pole

Dirty Dowdy with his Festivus Pole