Michael D. Keeney

Keeney Album

First and foremost I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to transform my emotions, feelings and experiences into heartfelt songs. I don’t feel the need to fill in this space with excerpts from interviews or reviews from critics. My music is on this page, and all that matters is if you like it or not. As for me, I’m just a tattooed country boy that writes, sings and plays guitar until the pain goes away (at least for awhile). I may not have the best voice that hits the highest notes, but I live, write, and play my songs in a way that makes some people feel the way that I felt when I wrote them. I’m still young enough to kick ass live, and old enough to know that real music comes from the heart and the soul, and not from competitions. Some say that my music is too rock-like, while others say that it’s too mellow…all I know is that it’s me and I like it. Writing and playing music gives me life and helps me to breathe better when stress, anxiety and self doubt begin to get the best of me. I’ve never written or recorded a song for the sole purpose of making money, and I never will. I can only write about what I’ve lived through and what I know and believe in. All of my musical heroes are the same way. True artists are a dying breed. A true artist would never sell their soul and jump through the corporate hoops to have a big house and a fancy car. They only play what they feel and if it catches on, then great. If it doesn’t, well they’ve still made some songs that they are proud to call theirs. I really do hope that you like my music though, because it’s the only thing that I have to offer anyone anywhere…and if you do like my songs, please let me know, because that would make my day much better : If you’re happy, I’m happy 🙂

Website: http://www.michael-d-keeney.com/

Email: keeneymichael2@yahoo.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sheepdoggmusic/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelDKeeney

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDx_PTo7_zKpqdZVZNIA6w


ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/Michaeldkeeney

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/michael-d.-keeney/id982606110

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michael.d.keeney/

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/michael-d-keeney

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