They Live
Ep 29: It Was Diabeedus The Whole Time??? (The...
Trust no one! That’s right! You never know what kind of evil lurks under the skin of those you hold most dear!...
Ep 28: TMP Babies! (Empire Records)
That Movie Podcast, recording till midnight! Alright everyone, it’s time for break out that flannel, strap on...
Ep 27: Will You Be A Vessel? (Blues Brothers)
Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ! We have seen the light!!! Tonight, we’re on a mission from god, joined by Vanna...
Ep 26: LEEET’S BLAZE!!! (Scott Pilgrim Vs....
Welcome, one and all, to That Movie Podcast! This time on TMP, we gather together to discuss Scott Pilgrim Vs. The...
Ep 25: Man Up And Bite The Soap! (Super Troopers)
You boys like mexico??? Tonight we are joined by the hilarious comedian Andrew Boydston to discuss the stoner classic,...
Ep 24: This Is Your God! (They Live)
We came to podcast, and chew bubblegum! And we’re all out of bubblegum!!! Tonight, Trent joins us as we put on...