This is a breakdown of each CA Proposition as researched by Debra Dowdy. She has taken the time to research the facts as given by the Ballot Initiatives and information available on At the end of the description, she and I give our vote for each Proposition. There is also a linkable list of Propositions at the bottom of the post. We hope this will help you learn more about these important initiatives. Please leave a comment with your thoughts and vote!
CA Propositions 65 and 67. Plastic bags.
I’m going to do these two together. A yes on 67 will uphold contested legislation banning plastic bags as enacted by the Legislature. There are already many California cities with a ban on plastic bags. This would make it state-wide.
The details are:
1) Single use plastic bags would be banned in grocery stores and pharmacies.
2) Small grocery stores, convenience stores, and liquor stores would follow in one year.
3) Plastic bags would still be OK for meat, bread, produce, bulk food, and perishable items.
4) Stores must charge 10 cents for recycled, compostable, reusable bags.
5) The money would be retained by the store to cover the cost of the bags, costs of complying with the law, and consumer education. (If Prop. 65 passes, this will be different. More on that below.)
6) Customers using WIC would be exempt from paying for the bags.
7) $2 million will be given to manufacturers of plastic bags to help retain jobs and transition to the new bags.
Supporters have raised $3.4 million. The top 3 donors are grocery store chains. They say that less than 5% of these single-use bags get recycled.
The opposition has raised $6.1 million and consists of plastic bag manufacturers.
Prop. 65 would take the money away from the grocery stores and give it to a new Environmental Protection and Enhancement Fund for:
1) Drought mitigation.
2) Clean drinking water.
3) Recycling.
4) Litter removal.
5) Wildlife habitat restoration.
6) Beach clean-up.
7) Parks.
The opposition says it will be $300 million.
I did some poking around and there may be an unintended consequence from this ban. Austin, TX, banned them and required the thicker, reusable bags too. They found that citizens were treating the 10 cent bags like disposables and the volume of trash went up. The heavier bags have an increased carbon footprint and many are shipped in from overseas. Reusable bags have to be washed occasionally and that uses water, etc.
I tried to figure out what the heavier bags would cost stores. Didn’t have much luck. Does anyone know? Doesn’t seem right to give the 10 cents to the government and make the store pay for the bags. Shouldn’t they at least be able to cover the cost of the bags?
Seriously, can’t we all just recycle the darn things? Not that hard.
If both propositions fail, there won’t be a ban on the plastic bags.
If both pass, the ban goes into effect. If 67 gets more yes votes, the stores get the revenue. If 65 gets more yes votes, the government gets the revenue.
If 67 passes and 65 fails, bags will be banned and the stores will keep the revenue.
If 67 fails and 65 passes, there’s no bag ban, HOWEVER, if there is ever a bag ban in the future, the government will get the revenue. Tricky, huh?
Debra Dowdy is voting –
Chris Dowdy is voting – No
Links to all other CA Proposition for the 2016 Ballot:
Proposition 52 – Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Program
Proposition 53 – Revenue Bonds
Proposition 54 – Legislative…Proceedings
Proposition 55 – Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare
Proposition 56 – Cigarette Tax
Proposition 57 – Criminal sentences and parole
Proposition 58 – Multilingual Education
Proposition 59 – Corporations and Political Spending
Proposition 60 – The Condom One
Proposition 61 – Limiting prices on medications State buys
Proposition 62 – Repealing the Death Penalty
Proposition 63 – Background Checks to Buy Ammunition
Proposition 64 – Legalizing Marijuana