Sound Peeps Wanted


As Longbox.FM grows and we add more to our lineup and other on site events, we are needing to find people interested in running the ship.  We are looking for people that are timely, reliable and want to have some fun. In this case you are not being asked to run a sound board solely.  You will be in charge of all the sound in the Longbox.FM studio as well as video, lighting and other interactive tech such as Skype, Twitter feeds and our chat room.  Being in the captains chair means you must be able to multi task to your max.  8 programs to monitor and actively engage in during live shows.  On site means setting up early and being the Longbox.FM point man for that day, to interact with venue personnel and get things dialed in perfectly for a live broadcast.

ON any show produced live on Longbox.FM, you will have to set the levels on the mixer and Compressor.  Also load in all pertinent images/videos on our video server.  And during the broadcasts you will have to manage the station playlist to make sure that all intros/outros/sounders play when they are supposed to.  On top of that you manage the in studio lighting.

It is a ton to manage but the studio is setup with multiple monitors and the equipment to make it easy.

To apply, just email Dowdy@longbox.FM with your interest and any experience you may have and we will set a date to meet with you.

Hope to hear from you soon!

About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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