May 10, 2016 with NerdEntertainment

The crew from NerdEntertainment was back on The Open Mic Podcast!

Show Summary:

The Nerd crew introduced a large cast for the night.

Shoutouts were given out to those deemed worthy of them.

A question and answer segment happened.

The crew discussed upcoming nerd events.

Captain America: Civil War was talked about.

Finally, Kari from the #DDPLive joined in for a round of the Nerdy Ernies.  Watch and see that go down!

Click the play button at the bottom of the page to listen to the audio podcast or you can download it and take it with you either here, on iTunes or Stitcher!  Also, check out the video podcast below for the full experience.  And… You can try out the #DDP360 Podcast.  You can take control of the camera and move around the entire studio.  Plus there is bonus footage on that video of what goes on when the mics are off!

It all starts at 7 PM on Longbox.FM.  Tune in and watch/listen on our YouTube Page where you can chat along with us.  You can also hit us up on Twitter at @Dirty Dowdy and @LongboxFM using the Hashtag #TOMPodcast  Also you can call in during the show to ask questions for our guest at (559)492-0450.  Even better, you can now Skype into the show.  Just search LongboxFM or dirtydowdypodcast and hop in the studio with us.  Click the Skype Link to call on the main page to make it easy! And everything will be captured on our awesome #TOMPodcast360 camera as well!  You get to control the show when you watch it!

Check out the Video Podcast Below!

Check out the #TOMPodcast360 Below!

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About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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