April 6, 2016 with Ray Appleton


The Dirty Dowdy Podcast had, Ray Appleton from KMJNOW, the biggest name in Central Valley Talk Radio, sit in with the biggest internet show in the valley.  Danny Riley of Riley’s Brewing was in the house too. And we all were munching on a fantastic spread provided by Roll One for Mi! Watch the show and let your mouth water. Sushi. Beer. Ray. And the ‪#‎DDPLive‬!

Show Summary:

Show kicked off heavy and hard.  We talked about the outcome of the #AD31 race which featured our guests from last week.

Then we got into the interview with the man, Ray Appleton.  Animals, WW2 Bombers, Record exec history and more.  Learn about the man in a way you haven’t been able to on air in the valley in decades!

After Dowdy settled down from being a fangirl, we talked with Dan Riley and the issues with High Speed Rail trying to ruin his business.  And we got some Ray Name Drops on the show.  Find out what famous interactions he has had and which he hasn’t.  A game of BS if you will.

Then we played the very popular game of Rockin Walken, with new songs this week from that amazing Aaron Perilo!  Hear what stumps #TeamRiley and #TeamRay.

Finally, Kenneth got his awards out and some awesome final talk from Ray and Dan!  Hear if Ray Appleton thinks the #DDPLive is radio worthy and if he would ever be a guest again!

Stream or download the audio podcast at the bottom of this post.  You can also watch the video podcast or the #DDP360 video once they are posted below!

Hashtags for this week: #LongboxBeer #DansKickstand #Sobstory

This show was sponsored by Riley’s Brewing. Get some.  Drink it.

Watch the Video Podcast Below!

Watch the #DDP360 Video Below!


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About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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