June 22, 2016 with That Movie Podcast
The #DDPLive crew had a special show this week as we brought in Jason, Stacey and Matt from That Movie Podcast to join...
June 15, 2016 with Derrick Pierce
Something for the ladies this week. The Dirty Dowdy Podcast had adult film star, Derrick Pierce, on the show. We...
June 8, 2016 with Sahab
Downtown favorite, Sahab, was on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast this Wednesday night. We talked with him about his music...
June 1, 2016 with Lusk
We brought the club to the Longbox.FM studio with Ryan Lusk joining us on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast Wednesday night. We...
May 25, 2016 with Andrew Boydston
Wednesday night on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast, we had comedian Andrew Boydston on the show. Last time he was a part of the...
May 18, 2016 with District 6 Candidates
Wednesday night the #DDPLive Crew got involved in politics again as they talked with the Fresno City Disctrict 6...
May 11, 2016 with Shelby Weatherbee
This week we ran with the #DDPLite as a few members were absent. You will find out why. Also we were joined by...
Dowdy and Kevin on That Movie Podcast
A few weeks ago, Dowdy and Mole Star were invited to join Jason and his podcast, That Movie Podcast. Check them out...
Kooleidoscope Live on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast
This is an excerpt of the live performance from Ronnie Taylor a.k.a @Kooleidoscope on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on...
April 26, 2016 with The Carnival
The Open Mic Podcast was live Tuesday night with Ben Lowery and The Carnival on Longbox.FM. Ben, Sara, Kevin,...
The #DDPLive 7 Year Anniversary Show
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast celebrated 7 years this last Wednesday. We brought in a ton of past guests to interview us...
April 13, 2016 with Personal Computer
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast went Synth Pop Wednesday with the band Personal Computer! The #DDPLive crew was a bit rowdy...
April 6, 2016 with Ray Appleton
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast had, Ray Appleton from KMJNOW, the biggest name in Central Valley Talk Radio, sit in...
March 30, 2016 with The State Assembly Candidates
Promo: The #DDPLive crew gets serious Wednesday night. We will have Clint Olivier, Ted Miller and Dr. Joaquin...
March 23, 2016 with He.Cried.Wolf
Wednesday night was a big show on The Dirty Dowdy Podcast. We had valley metal band, he.cried.wolf in the...
March 16, 2016 with Matt Sconce
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast crew welcomed writer and director of the movie Altar, Matt Sconce. We are also giving away...
March 15, 2016 The Small People Podcast
The Open Mic Podcast welcomed into the Longbox.FM studio, Vanna Vandal and Richard Valdez, the hosts of The Short...
March 2, 2016 with Nerd Entertainment
Our first episode with The Open Mic Podcast is here! The boys from Nerd Entertainment step into the Longbox.FM...
February 24, 2016 with For The Record
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast welcomed into the Longbox.FM Studios, Asa Waggoner from the south valley Ska Band, For The...
February 17, 2016 with Phillip Medina
This week The Dirty Dowdy Podcast welcomed back to the Longbox.FM Studios, Phillip Medina, the man behind Refried...
December 30, 2015 with Gia Moore
The Dirty Dowdy Podcast managed to avoid a Festivus Festival 2015 hangover as the #DDPLive crew continued the year end...