October 19, 2016 with The Debates

The #DDPLive took on the debates tonight in a special show.
Show Summary:

The #DDPLive crew did a simulcast of the Trump/Clinton debate Wednesday night.  We made our commentary on the whole thing.  Some snark, some old man river talk, and some serious discussion pointing out the errors in the statements.

After the debate we talked a little about the show and talked about what we learned this week.  And finally, Kenneth with the Tardies to close it our.  Hear the wrap up and the drunken mess that was the #DDPLive Crew. Oh, and Kari got her ring!
Next week the #DDPLive will be back with the Comedy Hop Crew, Shelby Weatherbee, Chris Cruz and Tony Le!

Beer provided by Riley’s Brewing!

Food provided by Kuni Sama!

Hashtags of the night: #DicksOutForHillary, #Republitard, #MakeUsBetter, #HumpVsKillary

Click the play button at the bottom of the page to listen to the audio podcast or you can download it and take it with you either here, on iTunes or Stitcher!  Also, check out the video podcast below for the full experience.  And… You can try out the #DDP360 Podcast.  You can take control of the camera and move around the entire studio.  Plus there is bonus footage on that video of what goes on when the mics are off! 

Check out the Video Podcast Below!
Check out the #DDP360 Video Podcast Below!
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About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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