CA Proposition 56 – Cigarette Tax

This is a breakdown of each CA Proposition as researched by Debra Dowdy.  She has taken the time to research the facts as given by the Ballot Initiatives and information available on  At the end of the description, she and I give our vote for each Proposition.  There is also a linkable list of Propositions at the bottom of the post. We hope this will help you learn more about these important initiatives.  Please leave a comment with your thoughts and vote!

CA Proposition 56. Cigarette Tax.

Another Constitutional amendment. Use caution.

The federal tax on cigarettes is $1.01 per pack. The current California tax is 87 cents. This initiative proposes increasing the CA tax by $2 per pack and also applying it to other tobacco products and e-cigarettes.

It is supported by Democrats. Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds collectively gave $50 million to oppose it. Republicans and Libertarians also oppose it.

Tobacco-related healthcare costs us $3.58 billion per year ($413 per family).

The current 87 cent tax raised $810 million in 2015-16. It was spent this way: 10 cents to the general fund. 25 cents to tobacco prevention, healthcare for low income folks, and environmental protection. 2 cents for breast cancer screening and research. 50 cents to early childhood development programs.

If the increase is approved, they anticipate revenue will be $1.3 to 1.6 billion per year. The money will be spent in four steps.
Step 1: First replace any revenue that’s been lost because people are quitting/decreasing smoking and the state is losing tax revenue. (Kinda ironic, huh?)
Step 2: 5% will be used to cover the cost of administering the money.
Step 3: $36 million to the Attorney General/law enforcement. $6 million to the “board.” (Not sure what that is.) $6 to the CA Dept. of Public Health (CDPH). $40 million to the University of California for the education of physicians. $30 million to the California Department of Public Health State Dental Program. $400,000 to the CA state auditor to audit these funds.
Step 4: Of any funds remaining, 82% will go to the Healthcare Treatment Fund, 11% to CDPH, 2% to the Calif. Department of Education (to teach tobacco prevention), and 5% to the University of California for research on tobacco-related disease.
(See page 49 of your Voter Information Guide for details.)

The opposition arguments seems pretty deceptive to me and one’s an outright lie. (See page 53 of your Voter Guide.)

Debra Dowdy is voting – Yes

Chris Dowdy is voting – No

Links to all other CA Proposition for the 2016 Ballot:

Proposition 51 – School Bonds

Proposition 52 – Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Program

Proposition 53 – Revenue Bonds

Proposition 54 – Legislative…Proceedings

Proposition 55 – Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare

Proposition 56 – Cigarette Tax

Proposition 57 – Criminal sentences and parole

Proposition 58 – Multilingual Education

Proposition 59 – Corporations and Political Spending

Proposition 60 – The Condom One

Proposition 61 – Limiting prices on medications State buys

Proposition 62 – Repealing the Death Penalty

Proposition 63 – Background Checks to Buy Ammunition

Proposition 64 – Legalizing Marijuana

Proposition 65 – Plastic bags

Proposition 66 – The other death penalty initiative

Proposition 67 – Plastic bags


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About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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