June 20, 2016 with Michelle Swift and Evan Monroe Faulkner

Wednesday night, Michelle Swift and Evan Monroe Faulkner were live in the Longbox.FM to talk about The Sandlot, with the #DDPLive Crew!!

Show Summary:

The crew started things off with some heavy triggers.  And learned some unfortunate things.  Also we introduced a surprise guest who came all the way from the UAE to be a part of the show.
Vanna stepped in for Alex this week with the celebrity clambake.  JDepp, a Kardashian and Kevin throwing down an awesome Cher.
We talked with our guests Michelle Swift and Evan Monroe Faulkner about their event this Thursday, The Sandlot at Warnors Theatre.  And we really got to know them from their answers on this weeks, Mole Star Kevins Questions.
The game this week was Bernie Does the Movies.  Mr. Sanders read lines from various movies and the two teams, #TeamHeavyFlow and #TeamManDude, had to fight to guess the movie.  Plus there was a surprising trade at the start of the game.
Finally the Tardies went down as Kenneth handed out awards for the best and worst of the night.

Next week,  will be live with Fierce Creatures and taling about their show at Summer Sweat on July 30th.

Hashtags of the night: #TeamHeavyFlow, #TeamManDude, #DDDowdy, #FullJitty, #WhiteChyna, #HookersAndBlow

Food and beverage sponsors for the night:  Beer from Riley’s Brewing

Click the play button at the bottom of the page to listen to the audio podcast or you can download it and take it with you either here, on iTunes or Stitcher!  Also, check out the video podcast below for the full experience.  And… You can try out the #DDP360 Podcast.  You can take control of the camera and move around the entire studio.  Plus there is bonus footage on that video of what goes on when the mics are off!

Check out the Video Podcast Below!
Check out the #DDP360 Video Podcast Below!
100_0280(1) 100_0280(2) IMG_6973 Sandlot Evan Faulkner Michelle Swift WarnorsTheater-ArchitecturalPhotos-5 Full house cieling and seating
rileysbrewing Image

About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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