February 24, 2016 with For The Record

The Dirty Dowdy Podcast welcomed into the Longbox.FM Studios, Asa Waggoner from the south valley Ska Band, For The Record. The whole show was recorded with our new Virtual Reality 360º camera.  So you can listen to the audio podcast, watch the video podcast or you can check out our new 360º video when it posts. You can watch the show any way you want!

Show notes:

The #DDPLive crew talked about Mole Star losing his identity on Facebook.  And we all learned something new this week.

Alex rolled with the Celebrity Clambake talking about God as a GPS, Val Kilmer getting healthy and why some girl scouts are very brilliant.

The crew interviewed Asa and talked about why he was the sole member of the band in studio, the history of his band and worked on possible ska related names.  Oh, and Asa almost fought Steve Harwell of Smashmouth.

Jason kicked off a conversation about how to breakup with someone and we went around the room talking about proper strategies to make the process as painless as possible.  And the group shared some personal horror stories.

Finally we finished off with the Tardies.  Kenneth handed out awards and recapped the show.

Hashtags of the week: #BloodBukakke, #VictimsOfBukakke, #EqualRightsEqualFights, #CrotchRage, #LittleDowdyBigVagina,#MakeFresnoBetter

Next week New Rock 104.1 takes over the Longbox.FM studios! Hammer, Rash, Skippy and Drew will run the show as they build towards the Spring Fling concert on March 11 at the Save Mart Center!

You have multiple ways to hear the show now.  Pick one and enjoy!

Watch the regular Video Podcast below!

Watch the DDPLive crew in #VR360 below!

160224 DDP360 with For The Record 160224 Asa Video Podcast shot 160224 Post Show 160224 Interview

About Dirty Dowdy

Host of The Dirty Dowdy Podcast on Wednesday nights 7-9 PM Host of The Kick on Monday nights 7-9 PM Occasional DJ other nights Sound boy for The Open Mic Podcast on Tuesday nights 7-9 PM

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